Introduction - Vishnu Arul

Hi everyone! My name is Vishnu Arul and I will be serving as your vice chair for the JCC South Korean cabinet. I am currently a freshman at UC Berkeley studying Economics and Political Science and hope to enter government policy making or regulation in the future This will be my 5th year doing Model UN, and the 4th time serving on a conference secretariat.

Outside of Model UN, I enjoy watching YouTube, losing money on the stock market and playing video games. My most recent bad investment was in the AMD stock, and currently, I am honing my Super Smash Bros Ultimate skills along with slowly progressing through Dark Souls.

As someone who has participated in BMUN for 3 years in high school, I am excited to find out what it feels like to be on the other side of the dais. If you have any questions about anything I just talked about, the conference or even just Berkeley, feel free to email me at, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


On a side note more related to the conference, check out this recent development you may have missed:


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