NK Sliding Into China's BRI

(Yalu River, a river on the border between China and North Korea, is a tourist attraction)

Due to geopolitical relations and unique diplomatic ties, China has been the economic and humanitarian backbone of North Korea ever since the Korean War, providing the regime with trade, food, and energy. However, as Kim Jong Un consolidated his power and began his expansionist program, China's mantra of "不战不乱无核"(meaning no war, no instability, no nukes) is subsequently jeopardized. Thus, a new approach must be taken to incentivize peace in the region.

With promises of denuclearization, North Korea shifts its focus from militaristic development to economic development. According to sources, North Korea is trying to participate in China's Belt Road Initiative (BRI), an international and intercontinental infrastructure project launched in 2013, integrating member states such as South Korea and 64 others. This ambitious project would enhance Chinese influence and specifically strengthen alliance amongst Asian countries. Noticing that China is the puppet master controlling Asia's economic and political stage, the White House has taken countermeasures to reduce its widespread and accelerating influence.

North Korea is eager to jump on board to access funds and garner efforts for its internal infrastructural needs. On top of that, if China grants membership, then North Korea and South Korea will have the opportunity for further cooperation, whether that be purely economic or gradually political. At this point, It is not in China's economic interest to incorporate North Korea, due to their abysmal debt and lack of capital, but it is certainly a valuable bargaining chip for the future. After the recent meeting between Xi JinPing and Kim Jong Un, the international community awaits further news on their potential alliance.


Read more about China's Belt Road Initiative:


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